
21st birthday.

Today is the first day of my 21st.

This transformation from 20 to 21 was honestly incredible journey.
Shortly after I turned 20 I was counting down my days until moving to Glasgow and on 16 of January and I was in the plane towards new adventure that was supposed to be for the whole year there.

Oh dear I had no idea!

They year was cut to 3,5 months and in April I was leaving this country with mixed feelings.
On one hand I met lot's of new people and discovered strength and confidence in myself and fall inlove with Scotland and with how welcoming this country is. On the other hand the aupair experience wasn't pleasant at all.

I had to return back to home defeated (at least that's how I percieved it back then) and with no idea about what to do now. Back in my mind I was trying to convince myself that maybe this is how it's meant to be.
And then couple months later in August I was again on a plane towards Scotland. This time my final destination was Edinburgh.

And now?
I think I couldn't be more happier that my stay at Glasgow didn't go as planned.

In here I really made friends, friends I can really be grateful for. I visited some really stunning places. And in here I really have a possibility for personal grow as I'm happy and I'm surrounded with people who support me whenever its my friends & host family in here or the most important people in my life - my mum and my brother who are at home in Czech republic.

Speaking of home... As a result of being away from home I learned to rely on myself. I'm not scared of new and challenging situations anymore, in fact I quite enjoy them. I gained self esteem and I truely believe in myself and believe that I'm capable of great things.

Going to Scotland for the first time was scary but going back here for the second time was terrifying as I already had an idea about what I'm going into and this time I wanted to do it better.  I wanted to succeed.

Both of this experiences have one importnat thing in common. At the beginning there was a dream, then it turned into a plan and then it was something that I've actually done and I went for it.
Also both of this decision were really scary at the beginning but I will never regret of them as they turned into something that I believe that was meant to be and I'll be forever grateful for it.

Now the year is almost over. Couple hours ago with knowing it's my birthday and that again I'm getting one year older I started to think about what I want to accomplish this year. I was overwhelmed with fear that I don't really have much planned yet. But looking back at this journy of mine from my 20 to 21 birthday lead me into reliazation that sometimes no matter if we plan or not life happens anyway. And it's important to remember that even though that sometimes it doesn't go  the way we were planning in the end we realise that it's for the best.

The overwhelming fear is gone now. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves that everything will be okay.

I must say that I can't wait what this year will bring. I have some goals of what I want accomplish, I have some plans. But I already know that not all of them will happen the way I want. But that's okay.

That's life.

So my wish to myself for my 21st Birthday would be:


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